2012 - 2013 Team
- President:Anand Durairajan
- Vice President: Bhargavi Srivathsan
- Secretary: Karthik Rishi
- Cultural Secretaries: Jagan Srinivasaragavan, Indu Kalyanaraman
- Treasurer: Manivanan Janardhanan
- Public Relation Coordinators: Kirubhakaran Kaliannan
- Event Coordinators: Murali Balan, Vivek Devaraj, Ajoy Naveen, Raj Govindarajan
- Web Master:Manivanan Janardhanan

Anand Durairajan, a supply chain management professional @Intel, currently serves as the President of GPTM 2012-2013 committee. Anand and family have participated and volunteered for many GPTM events since 2003. Anand lives in Tigard, with his wife Madhulika Narayan and two daughters – Ananya and Anvika. Anand loves travelling, cooking, playing cricket and simply having a jolly good time with his friends in his free time

Bhargavi Srivathsan, a Program Manager @Intel, serves as the Vice President of GPTM 2012-2013 committee. GPTM Super Singer (2012 Apr) and Super Singer Junior (2013 Apr) are events that Bhargavi conceptualized and implemented. She is a social minded individual and actively advocates for social causes with organizations like AID, CHAP etc. Bhargavi also loves singing, dancing and theatre and has featured in prominent roles in Tamil plays staged during past GPTM events

Karthik Rishi currently serves as the Secretary of GPTM 2012-2013. While this is Karthik’s first stint as a GPTM committee member, Karthik and family have been active participants in many yesteryear GPTM committees. Karthik is an ardent basketball fan, gadget enthusiast and passionate about India and Intel (his employer, where he works as a SW architect with the SoC group). He loves to spend his spare time with his wife Madhura, daughter Pranaya and his new born son Pradyuun

Jagan Srinivasaraghavan currently serves as the Cultural Secretary of present committee and together with Mani has been a guiding force behind GPTM offline events that are happening this year. Jagan and family have been active in the community activities since 2005. His hobbies include music, sports, drama and dance among others. Jagan works for Intel as a Process Engineer and lives in Bethany area with his wife, Sangeetha and two daughters, Aditi and Stuti

Manivanan Janardhanan (Mani) currently serves as a web-master and treasurer for GPTM 2012-2013 committee. Continuing on the work of previous committee, Mani has been instrumental in setting up payment system that makes GPTM ticket and membership purchases a breeze. Mani works for Intel as an engineering manager and lives in Hillsboro with his wife Deepa, and sons Nandu and Adithya. His hobbies include writing poetry, classical music, reading and volunteering

Kirubakaran Kaliannan (Kiru) currently serves as a Personal Relationship coordinator of the GPTM 2012-2013 committee. Kiru lives with his family in Beaverton and has been an avid supporter of GPTM since its inception in 2003. A software engineer by profession, Kiru enjoys playing chess and conducts chess camps for kids in his free time. Kiru loves to volunteer in his spare time and served as the vice president of GPTM 2011-2012 committee

Murali Balan, structural engineer with McMillen, LLC, currently serves as event coordinator of the GPTM 2012-2013 committee. Prior to moving into Portland earlier this year, Murali has done event coordination for other non-profits in the US. Murali manages facility and equipment rental aspects of event coordination. Murali lives in Hillsboro with his wife Avantika. His interests include travelling, playing soccer & training for contact sports

Ajoy Navin Chakrapani is one of the event coordinators for GPTM 2012-2013 committee. Ajoy has been actively involved in the GPTM initiative and activities in the past and has served as the event coordinator in the 2011-2012 committee as well. A CAD engineer by profession working at Intel, Ajoy has been involved in various community and volunteering activities on his own. Ajoy has a great passion for robotics and embedded systems and has been serving as a the technical panel head judge for Intel robotics tournaments (JFLL, FLL, FTC etc.) for last 4 years. His other hobbies and interests include music, dance, food, travel and volunteering.

Rajkumar Govindarajan (Raj) is one of the new members of GPTM 2012-2013 committee and serves as one of the 4 member event coordination team. Raj along with Ajoy takes care of print media and catering requirements of event management. Raj just moved to the Portland area and works for Intel as a process engineer. Raj enjoys cooking, playing tennis, cricket and driving

Vijay Ilavarasan is one of the event coordinators in GPTM 2012-2013. After a brief 6 month hiatus (in Texas), Vijay is happy to be back in Portland and GPTM owning backstage management for the Deepavali event. Vijay works as a Program Manager at Webtrends in Portland downtown. Apart from being a Tamil film buff, he enjoys teaching kids to dance for Tamil songs
Board of Director

Swa Gandhinathan (Gandhi), is a Director, co-founder and life time member of GPTM. Gandhi with his wife Seetha and children Suganya & Siddharth have been an integral part of GPTM since its inception. Gandhi’s family has volunteered, mentored and nurtured the GPTM’s growth to its present status. When vacationing Gandhi and Seetha love going on cruises. Gandhi works for Wells Fargo Bank - Wells Fargo has been the major sponsor of GPTM for several years since 2003

Gidu Sriram is a Director of the GPTM organization and together with Gandhi has been a guiding force for every GPTM committee that has donned office. Sriram is passionate about all forms of fine arts and has been an avid supporter of many cultural forums that exist in Portland today.